Fashion Report North London
This weekend rather than the frustration of playing mahjong, I got the unique frustration of watching all my friends play mahjong while I did nothing…
(I mean technically I was reffing but the cohort at the North London Riichi Open were way too well behaved and knew the rules.)
It did give me plenty of time to admire their clothes, however…
I bring you 2.5 stunning example of what I saw this weekend.
Surprise in the Dark
Andrew is always a smartly dressed gentleman. By day, he stunned. By night he excelled. Scroll down…

Glow-in-the-dark stripes are something I will always aspire to! (Nice mahjong embroidery addition, too!)
Some of us would be horrified to wear the same dress as our best friend to the prom, but this doesn’t apply to mahjong buddies! The same shirt shows the same interests. However, for the keen eye, one of them is wearing vintage Tenhou and the other is wearing modern Tenhou… which is which?
(Also, doesn’t the gentleman on the right look like a young Hugh Jackman? He totally does, right?)

Am I at an event you’re at? Dress up and get yourself featured! It’s way more exciting than the podium…