Category: Editorials

Riichi Reporters editorials, op-ed, and other opinion pieces.

Virus? What virus?

Gemma – WRC President What a difference a month, a week, a day and even an hour makes. “Virus? What virus?” certainly sums up the attitude weeks ago. We were right in it and...

What’s a yaku?

Many of you know, I’m a professional translator/localizer. I’ve worked in the translation industry since I was 21. I like to do mahjong translation but it comes with peculiar problems that I thought I’d...

First haipai of the year

The first haipai of the year should be something special. A chance to start your mahjong year the right way. I drew my tiles and got Daniel and Mama Jong to give their opinions....

What a difference a decade makes!

As we pass another forced milestone on our calendars, it’s a great opportunity to look back at what the riichi community has achieved. It’s very easy to get caught up in the local setbacks...

Mama Jong: An Apology

I got a lot of hate from my last article so I decided to take a step back and think what I had said. The conclusion I came to was that in this internet...

Riichi’s Elevator Pitch

The constant struggle to teach. That really should be Riichi Mahjong’s byline. As Sisyphus pushed his stone up the hill, we also push our boulder up a hill of impenetrable vocabulary, rules, and manners,...

Playing with Fire?

Mahjong is synonymous with gambling for many in this world. Most overseas media coverage of our game are small pieces on how China has clamped down on mahjong or officials have been caught gambling....


Investing in Referees

Riichi tournaments bring together people from a broad range of backgrounds, ages, cultures, and countries. It is the achievements and failings of a global community writ small. A wash of players focuses everyone’s goals,...

Standing on Our Own

I think what I’m about to write is in some parts going to smack of the hypocritical but I want you to hear me out. I don’t think we need to translate strategy content...