Sadly, WRC has been postponed
I think a lot of us suspected this was coming and still hoped it would not. The World Riichi Championship has announced that WRC 2020: Vienna has been postponed due to setbacks directly resulting from the affect of COVID-19 on…well, everything.
Just under one month ago, WRC released a statement that they were still proceeding with plans and were closely monitoring developments. Back then there were still hopes that the scenario would turn around and restrictions on travel and gatherings would lift in time to stay the course. Unfortunately those hopes have not come to pass and the situation co
For now WRC is forecasting the event to be postponed until some time in 2021. Additionally, the player roster is locked for the time being. All qualified persons will remain on the list, and once details of the new event schedule is worked out (AFTER businesses can resume operation) the plan is to re-open the roster and allow for any substitutions that may be necessary.
Obviously this isn’t the best case scenario, but given the circumstances I believe most people will agree that it is unreasonable to expect WRC to try and push this any farther. I expect there is still more to do in the back end to close out or modify the existing contracts and sponsorships.
Thank you, Gemma, Lena, and the unnamed people that have stood behind WRC to help do the things that needed doing to drive WRC 2020 this far.