Fashion Report: Japan
This time last week, I was in Japan! Playing with not just the pros, but also my friends!
One of the must-see attractions were VIP seats at m-league. We felt pretty special, got directed to the front of the line, got to sit at the front and have photos of our backs taken for twitter (I’m strangely still waiting for the modeling contracts).
Here some of us are…

The tourists have all gone for what used to be the traditional mahjong player’s uniform – the suit jacket. Tried, tested, and classic. However, our pros (Konami Fight Club’s team) Maehara, Takamiya, and Sasaki are wearing the new contemporary wear for mahjong players – a 90s shell suit! As soon as those go on sale, I think we can anticipate lots of Western players in those shirts at tournaments.
Take a closer look at Toshi’s t-shirt…

It’s a Paul Smith inspired tembo shirt! Toshi doesn’t really play mahjong so we appreciate this nod to our great game with a London fashion twist. (Ogasahara of JPML designed it. Message me @mahjonggem if you’re interested, I’m trying to convince her that her designs are the bestest and we’d like them out here in the West)
One final m-league flair…

Dawn of a new era for mahjong AND fashion!
Moving forward…

Dave is sporting the new WRC pin! WRC is not flush with cash so these are very limited edition. They’re being treated like Blue Peter badges (I’ll let the non-Brits google that reference. I got a green one btw)
And one more insider reference (for me and probably 240 WRC 2017 players…)

This is a special design from Zoran. It’s honestly amazing. It perfectly sums up the WRC 2017 experience with the mahjong being thrown faaaar into the air.
Also, you’ll notice Toshi wears a lot of mahjong apparel for someone who doesn’t play mahjong. In fact, he’s like a legendary pokemon. You first need to defeat the Elite Four (Moriyama, Tomotake, Yamai, Lena) and then you venture into a secret Jansou somewhere under Nakano Broadway where you will finally be able to challenge him to a bout of mahjong!
He’s an interesting opponent if nothing else…