Author: Daniel Moreno

Challenging the Mahjong Saikyousen

Saikyousen is an oddity among major titles in Japan, namely because all games in the main tournament are a single hanchan. But of course, to get to that stage you must first qualify for spot in the main tournament, accounting for a mere 16 people from the thousands of participants.

Playing the “Masters” in Japan

Titles—simultaneously the dream and the measuring stick for professional mahjong players. Without them, even with skill and years of experience in the league, you’re a nobody. But with them, even if you are a...

Jankiryuu—Way of the Mahjong Demon

Pai no Oto is officialy known as a mahjong dojo, but if you were expecting another parlor like you would find anywhere else in Tokyo, or even another mahjong dojo like JPML‘s, then you would be horribly wrong. Pai no Oto is quite different than any other place out there.


A Parlor Abroad

I first went to Japan in 2013 to study abroad for a year at Sophia University. Like any other random mahjong loving foreigner, I really wanted to play at a mahjong parlor. So with this desire in mind, I searched up Google for the nearest parlor in my tiny part of the outskirts of Tokyo.