Introducing: Donnie, Admin.
From: Dallas, Texas, USA
Club: DFW Mahjong
Favorite Tile: “I’m trying to appreciate pei – the north wind tile. That seat always represents a disappointment to me; that is the seat you play right after you have lost your dealer turn. I am trying to re-frame it into something more positive to keep from losing my flow at that transition, and play a better hand afterward. “
Role: Administrator. Beyond helping plan and write articles for Riichi Reporter, my job is to keep the moving parts greased and maintained.

Over the past few years I have been fortunate enough to associate with some good people throughout the world, and take part in some exciting opportunities. This news site represents both. When you identify a need, create a solution. It is that ideal that compelled me to start a mahjong club in 2014, and also what has driven me to create Riichi Reporter alongside two of the best partners I could hope for. I hope you find value in what Riichi Reporter brings to you.
And, hey, if you see a need, don’t tear down the efforts of others – work together and be a part of a solution that lifts everyone.
On Riichi Mahjong
There is all manner of mahjong in the world. I play riichi because I feel it is the greater challenge. Actually, that is nonsense. I started playing riichi because, when I began exploring this game, I had no-one else to teach me and it had the most prominent digital presence. (Does anyone else remember Janryumon from NC Soft?) I was quickly hooked. But I keep playing riichi because of that earlier pearl of wisdom.
I am barely a passable player, by most accounts, I won’t deny that. I am, however, committed to the tiles. When I play mahjong I enjoy being in the moment; sharing in something both elegant and transient. For myself, mahjong offers a period of rhythm punctuated by highs and lows, and then is gone. That time has passed, but each person leaves the table with a piece of it.
(I can also be an idealist, so I hope you will forgive the occasional self-indulgent paragraph.)
- I’m a fan of good form and manners at the table.
- There’s a time and a place for table talk, but I find pointless distractions and delays rude.
- I appreciate those that observe the integrity of the game and respect the time of the people they play with.
- There are few occasions when calling a kan is a wise idea.