Welcome To Riichi Reporter!

This site is devoted to shining a light on the ever-growing riichi mahjong community in Western countries. We felt there was an increasing need for fresh sources of news and information within this global neighborhood. Rather than hope for one to come along we took action!
As a brand new site, we can only assume you arrived here by one of two paths:
- You found us through a Google search or social media.
- You were directed by a friend.
If the latter, thank your friend for us! If the former, please, please, please tell a friend. Without an audience, we’re nothing. (You can find some easy share buttons to the right.)
Our plan is to publish the riichi news we ourselves would like to read – interesting features, interviews, editorials, reviews, and events happening in the riichi mahjong community. Coming soon we will be unpacking the International Online Riichi Mahjong Competition (IORMC), the North American Open (NAO), and interviewing some personalities you need to know.
Read the About page to find out about our goals. Over the next few days we will be adding some information about the people behind the site, so check back throughout the weekend.
Before you go, don’t forget to bookmark this page in your browser! You can also subscribe below to have Riichi Reporter sent to your inbox, then once you’ve done ALL of those things, follow us on Twitter (@RiichiReporter). See you back here very, very soon!
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